Nuxt, ButterCMS

Benefits of podcasting and Jamstack

By Dawntraoz Last updated on Friday, 28 January 2022

Benefits of podcasting and Jamstack article featured image

In this article, for the ButterCMS writers program, I talk about the benefits of podcasting and Jamstack, plus a tutorial on how to display it on your Nuxt and Butter website.

Original article at the ButterCMS blog

How to showcase a podcast on a Jamstack site built with Nuxt and ButterCMS

In this article, I talk about the growth of podcasts today, the benefits they bring to improve the online presence, and I show how a Jamstack website can improve the simplicity with which online content is created and served.

All this divided into the sections:

Furthermore, I show you how to integrate and take advantage of what the podcast offers you to create content that brings your audience closer to you. I did that by creating a Jamstack app from scratch using Nuxt 3 and ButterCMS, and using the Spotify API to get the data from the podcast.

Take a look at the two parts of the tutorial:

In collaboration with ButterCMS

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